
Below you can see a collection of reviews from our students via our feedback form or other communications such as email or through  social media accounts.

Veritas learners provides excelling tutorial services and has significantly boosted my grades within my maths classes. The 1-2-1 sessions with my tutor were plentiful and provided an insight to topics which schools would skim through on a daily basis. Feedback was of high quality and would definitely recommend to a friend.
Adam Student Testimonial Picture
I found the sessions to be very engaging and I could always ask questions freely which was very helpful. The environment was very relaxed so I was also able to get through work at a good pace rather than rushing and missing out key pieces in the lessons. Feedback was always very constructive and gave me a sense of where I needed to focus on and key areas I needed to improve. I was never worried about negative feedback because it was always fed through in a positive way. Compared to some parts of school lessons I was able to get insights from someone who actually completed the exams so I could get advice on questions which may be difficult and things which may seem confusing. 100% I would recommend Veritas Learners to a friend.

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The tuition definitely benefited me. Especially because my tutor was good at breaking down the process since they clearly had a deep understanding of the subject. The knowledge was really good since they were able to elaborate on methods in order to explain them more clearly than school normally down. Due to this, I would definitely recommend this service to a friend.
I found my tuition really good because it was useful for my learning because everybody did not go to school and i missed my lessons so tuition made that whole of learning complete. I found Veritas Learners useful because that gave me a boost of confidence at the topics I was learning. I like that the tutor has taught me more than the school did. I was struggling with the topics before but now I am more confident in them. I would recommend it to a friend because the tuition is really good!
Udoy Testimonial Picture
I found the tuition very helpful, my tutor helped me grasp the concept of topics I couldn't understand in a way that made it easier for me to get and therefore apply to other questions. Feedback from my tutor was given regularly once I completed a certain task, for example when I understood both hypothesis testing as well as one & two-tailed tests. I had to complete a set of questions so my tutor could test my abilities by putting more worded exam fashioned questions to throw me off guard but it helped me prove myself. I grasped 100% of the concept and could easily answer a question of the sort. Because I often had 1-2-1 sessions with my tutor, it helped me more than my sixth form as the teacher was focused solely on me and my abilities with their goal to help find ways to make me master mathematics in a way that isn't described via textbook. I could not recommend this enough; its affordable and really made a difference to my maths skills. Of course, I would recommend Veritas Learners to my friend
I have always found my tutor's sessions to broaden my understanding on the subject they taught me. I was always engaging and the lessons were very structured and I was always able to ask for help when I didn’t understand something. Their sessions in addition to school helps understand things from a different perspective and grasp ideas that may be difficult to get the first time around.